aBouT fReewaRe
Messenger Blocker 1.0Use of the Internet has penetrated no longer limited by age can bring negative impact. Therefore, the use of aplikas connected to the internet by children necessary supervised and controlled by parents.
Dangerous if you do not watch any applications that are used by them, while surfing through a browser. One of the applications that need to be monitored in addition to the browser is a chat application. Chat client used the current user is different, some of which are known as ICQ, MSN, AOL, Miranda, Pidgin, Odigo, Google talk, Yahoo! Messenger, etc.. These applications can be set using the Messenger Blocker.
Users who have blocked the possibility to find a special message that its activities in the use of chat application has been blocked. But the message may not ditrampilkan to the user.
Download: www.amplusnet.com/Setups/messengerblocker.exe
File Size: 2.05 MB
K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 3.9.0
K-Lite Mega Codec pack include a full K-Lite Codec first, as well as in Quicktime, Real player codecs, and BS Player. K-Lite mega codec pack also includes a codec that is widely used by popular applications, such as: DivX and XviD.
Last Changes included in the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack 3.9.0 versions, some of which is Update Media Player Classic, ffdshow, Cyberlink mpeg-2 decoder, madFLAC, Haali Media Splitter, divx encoder, x264VWF, Mediainfolite, and change the default decoder divx to ffdshow in windows 2000/XP.
Download: http://tinyurl.com/4hm6p
General Specifications: Windows 2000/XP
File Size: 17 MB
Stellarium 0.10.2
This application is an open source planetarium application, which is usually served on the projector. This application shows a realistic sky in 3D form, as seen with the naked eye. You only need to do konfigursi coordinates and will soon be found on the layers of personal planetarium. You can zoom and adjust the display object in Stellarium.
There are various features of Stellarium, divided into several groups, among others Sky features, interface, visualization and customability.
Download: http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/stellarium/stellarium-0.10.2.exe
File Size: 40.92 MB
Adobe Photoshop CS4 11.0.1
One photo editing software of choice for professionals in the field of Graphic Design is Adobe Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop has released a new update, which is known as Adobe Photoshop CS 4 11.0.1 Update.
Pros: improved crash caused by a corrupted font, improved crash when doing Pasting formatted text, improving the quality of the results of the Auto-blend Layers (Images stack), the ability to recognize that the 3D texture-edited by the plug-ins, using a wacom rotation penbarrel tablets have now been able to function properly, and repair of several issues that resulted in weakening performance.
Download: http://download.adobe.com/pub/adobe/photoshop/win/cs4/Photoshop_11.0.1_mul_AdobeUpdate.zip
Minimum Specifications: Windows XP
File Size: 35.19 MB
Easy Boxshot 1.00.121
Sala one application that can be used for application specific template package is Easy Boxshot software.
The application is easy to use, and supports the storage of files in bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif and png. More than 50 templates you can choose. To use Easy Boxshot, the user first must make sure already have. Ner Framework version 2 on a minimal operating system. It is important to ensure the application can be run well.
Download: www.easyboxshot.com/download/EasyBoxShotSetup.msi
File Size: 10.25 MB
Phantom CD 0.9.7
For those of you that do read the CD / DVD repeatedly, especially for playing games, can cause damage to the optical drive CD / DVD-ROM drive or have difficulty reading the CD / DVD, as affected by heat, scratched and dirty.
To avoid that / extends the CD / DVD-ROM, you can use virtualization soft ware CD / DVD. One of them is a Phantom CD 0.9.7 which has the ability to read 200 times faster than reading the disk via the CD / DVD-ROM drives that physically enables your applications and games run faster.
Download: http://download.phantombility.com/phantomcd_setup.exe
File Size: 3.39 MB
DivX allows you to menontom DivX video with interactive features, such as video menus, subtitles and alternative audio tracks.
DivX is a combination of play DivX palyer, DivX Community Codec, and DivX Web Player. DivX on the package, also included a trial version of the DivX Converter and DivX Pro-Cidec timed 15 days. With DivX you can Men-Share movie collections with the store on a hard drive, without consuming a large storage capacity.
Download: http://download.divx.com/divx/DivXInstaller.exe
Minimum Specifications: Windows 2000
File Size: 15.74 MB
Twins Visions
This application is a system innovative 3D image management, which enables you to navigate to a collection of photos that you have into a 3D form.
Twins Visions is designed to do all common tasks in one single point, such as view, edit and share.
Download: http://download.twins-solutions.com/visionssetup.exe
File Size: 6.2 MB
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