Performance art (Seni Pertunjukan)
Performing arts (English: performance art) is a work of art that involves the action of individuals or groups in a particular time and place. performance usually involves four elements: time, space, body and relationship of the artist artists with the audience.Although performance art could be said to include activities such as art mainstream theater, dance, music and circus, but usually art activities are generally more familiar with the term 'performance art' (performing arts). Performance art is a term that usually refers to the conceptual art or the avant garde that grew from the art and is beginning to move in the direction of contemporary art.
Type of the performing arts
1. arts acrobatics,
2. singing,
3. comedy / buffoonery,
4. dance,
5. musical performances,
6. opera,
7. theater
8. films and others.
Indonesian Version:
Seni pertunjukan
Seni pertunjukan (Bahasa Inggris: performance art) adalah karya seni yang melibatkan aksi individu atau kelompok di tempat dan waktu tertentu. performance biasanya melibatkan empat unsur: waktu, ruang, tubuh si seniman dan hubungan seniman dengan penonton.
Meskipun seni performance bisa juga dikatakan termasuk di dalamnya kegiatan-kegiatan seni mainstream seperti teater, tari, musik dan sirkus, tapi biasanya kegiatan-kegiatan seni tersebut pada umumnya lebih dikenal dengan istilah 'seni pertunjukan' (performing arts). Seni performance adalah istilah yang biasanya mengacu pada seni konseptual atau avant garde yang tumbuh dari seni rupa dan kini mulai beralih ke arah seni kontemporer.
Jenis seni pertunjukan
1. seni akrobat,
2. mengamen,
3. komedi/lawak,
4. tari,
5. pentas musik,
6. opera,
7. teater
8. film dan lain-lain.